
Respiratoryrateassessmentisessentialfordetectingacutechangesinapatient'scondition.Despitethis,researchhasshownthatitisthemostneglected ...,由MACretikos著作·2008·被引用1051次—Thelevelofdocumentationofvitalsignsinmanyhospitalsisextremelypoor,andrespiratoryrate,inparticular,isoftennotrecorded.,由MACretikos著作·2008·被引用1051次—Thelevelofdocumentationofvitalsignsinmanyhospitalsisextremelypoor,and...

Why is Respiratory Rate the Neglected Vital Sign? A ...

Respiratory rate assessment is essential for detecting acute changes in a patient's condition. Despite this, research has shown that it is the most neglected ...

Respiratory rate: the neglected vital sign - Cretikos

由 MA Cretikos 著作 · 2008 · 被引用 1051 次 — The level of documentation of vital signs in many hospitals is extremely poor, and respiratory rate, in particular, is often not recorded.

Respiratory rate

由 MA Cretikos 著作 · 2008 · 被引用 1051 次 — The level of documentation of vital signs in many hospitals is extremely poor, and respiratory rate, in particular, is often not recorded.

Respiratory Rate

由 PC Loughlin 著作 · 2018 · 被引用 65 次 — Respiratory rate is the sentinel and arguably most important vital sign because its normal values are breached before those of other vital ...

Respiratory rate: The neglected vital sign

2024年5月1日 — Respiratory rate has been shown to be an important predictor of cardiac arrest, respiratory adverse events and intensive care unit admission and ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
